Friday, 29 June 2007

me and PPSMI's another day in school...~.~

but it's a bit different from other normal days...


cause today the school English, Science and Math commitee organized a new commitee called PPSMI and held a seminar for the chosen commitee...

what the hack??i'm one of the chosen commitee...haha...

at first when i'm chosen...i'm so damn shock and wonder what was PPSMI...

after some Q&A session with my MUET teacher...i finally knows that it is some sort of programme related with English, Science and Math...

that's even make me blur...@.@

i never have my science and math taught in english before and how come i was selected for the commitee??


who cares lah...just give it a damn shot and undergo a boring interview with some teacher...

later this monday....i was so shocked to see my name on the notice board...showing me i was short-listed to be the official commitee member...i say "huh?"

and later today...they held a seminar in school...they said many thing and i don't even bother to listen it...they said we are the specially selected "elite" in my school...and they spotted us have a great potential in english...blah...blah...blah...don't even care...(actually i'm a bit rebellious)
later on this afternoon...the seminar continues with group discussion...they want us to discuss among our group about a product we can promote to others...haiz...after the discussion...we have to present our discussion result...and everyone in my group point at me to present our product...i say "what!!!" never mind...i show them who i am...hehe...since i'm the need to show some leadership...what we present will be judged by some teachers...and it even give me the stress...even miserable is...the judges bombarded us with fair...they don't bombard the other group...but never mind...i still manage to bombard back with my answer...hahahaha...

at the end of the seminar...the judges finally make an announcement...they said they have selected 2 group as the "best presentation"...

you know what??i got the "best presentation" award...i'm so damn shock...haha...

that's my story bout "me and PPSMI"
owh another thing...i was elected as the English Facilitator in my school...haiz...and they want to make a name tag for it saying "please speak english with me."...haiz...(-_-!!!)

Monday, 25 June 2007

let's have the exam begin...@.@

haiz...the SAGA has begun today...

1st paper....Pengajian Am or General Paper...

haiz....i completely don't know what to do...

i have no idea what the questions other word...i don't know a thing...and i think we haven't study that chapter yet...haiz what the crap...
that's only for paper 1...not yet paper 2...

looking at the paper...@.@??
i say "wallau"...

the A section...completely don't know...ask my friend...they ask me back...haha...('s this year STPM already and i'm still in the old me...always meniru...haha)
but still...i can manage this section at the last minute...approximately 15 minute to done a question that i completely don't understand...i say "wallau" the hand was so painful...

section B was not a problem to favourite question since form 4...
section C...hehe...loaded my "M-16"....shoot all the way to section D...haha...

section D...peace of cake for me....pie chart...haha...can do it with my eyes closed...( arrogant)

last section....section E...this time...i loaded my "bazooka"...bombed my answer sheet...

haiz...and this only for pengajian am paper only...there's economy and torturing...if i keep on doing this...definately 100% for sure i guarentee...i'll flunk my STPM with flying colors...

so jon...加油,加油。

Sunday, 24 June 2007

haiz...another week of exam...

since last week...the education department of Sabah organized some sort of exam....what is it?? SAGA...don't know what it stand for...

they claim they want to train us to score higher marks through this exam...i say bullshit me a lot stress...especially since lat week time at all to study neither in school nor home...and the exam starts tomorrow...i say i'm dead...

sometimes...i've thought who is the genius who invented exam...but in other's all for my own good...haiz...can't change the truth...

but who to blame...i'm the one who wish to study at the first place...then i need or i must sit for this damn exam lor...haiz...

lastly...pray for me lor...that's the only thing i can hope for...since i merely have the time to study now...

another day in blogging...

hmmm...1st of all...i donno y i hav da feeling to blog 2day...donno lah...

hmmm...maybe i'm addicted in blogging...haha...very weird huh...

kinda think of the reason y i blog at da 1st place...maybe just wanna follow th trend...or just feel wanna join in since everybody r having fun in this community....
but now...haha...i feel different...feel different toward blogging...for now...i feel this space r my refuge (aside from God lah)...where i can express my everything...maybe share my thought or my feeling with some1...

in reality...i'm kinda shy guy...dont like to told my feelings to other...maybe that's the main reason i usual...where i can express my feeling...hehe...

anyway...i appreciate the guy who invented this blogging stuff...haha...suit me well...