whatever...as long as i enjoy it...haha
what have i done? actually..it's all a coinsidene...cause i busy-body 1st...
1st thing...got order from my teacher to present a performance at the closing ceremony...wow...what a surprise...phew...and honor too...but actually i'm not performing but i arrange the performance (it's what i always do)
i also indirectly incharge in the stage-decor....at 1st...this is not my job AT ALL...then my teacher saw me messing around with the decor...then she call me to help out with the decor...haiz...that's the conclusion for messing around...haiz...
(psst...i even got a new name...Eric Leong...famous house-decor...we share the same family name though)
then practise...practise...practise...teaching a bunch of idiot to sing...haha...they don't even know the music tempo and sing like nothing...what!!!...haiz...never mind...practise make perfect...that's how i calm myself...haiz...
owh yeah...i hurt my hand during the practise...huhu...very painful...but never mind...cause "男人流血不流泪"...haha...
during the days...i went to the boys hostel...actually it's my 1st time to the boys hostel...OMG...it was soooo nasty...unbelieveable...yuck...never imagine how to live in this situation...i'm sooo freak out...
the performance day...keep practising...giving the final brief...little cheers...off to the hall...preparing the music...p.a. system...
now...the moment has come...they get on the stage...my heart beats very fast...music start...oh no...they sing...
they make it...sing according the music tempo...that's why practise make perfect...haha
music off...the MC announce that the performance was arranged by me...haha...i was damn honored and proud....wahahah...
after the performance...and again...something suprised me...the teacher want us to perform again...