just between u n me only...
i din watch this movie in cinema...
i din watch this movie in cinema...
okok...the preview for this...
it's kinda weird tho...
at 1st i tot it was a chinese movie...
when i saw the credit at the beginning,
when i saw the credit at the beginning,
i ask myself:
how come a chinese movie with american crew?
then the movie start
i was surprise to saw an ang moh!!
isn't it a chinese movie??
got jackie chan n jet li wor??
but nvm lah...
watch it liao...
but the fightting scene quiet nice...
never thought can see jackie chan n jet li fight...
jackie chan as always with his mischivieous moves
n jet li with his cool kung fu
n jet li with his cool kung fu
n jet li is the monkey king??
never see jet li laugh that much in a movie...
i watch this in the cinema...
hehe...i repent liao...
nothing much to say bout this...
coz my attention is not on the screen
my attention is on how i'm gonna make myself warm in the cinema...
it's damn freezing there...
but it still nice tho...
the four kings n queens getting more lengzai n lenglui liao...
lucy still cute with his long hair...
susan became a woman liao...
so yeng when she on her bows n arrow...
edmund mature thinking liao...
n he bring torch light everywhere??
haha...lengzai as always...but a bit arrogant in this movie...
but at least he got repent in the end...
n aslan...
always so majestic de...
n his roar ah...omg...
so powerful!!!
oh oh...another guy...
prince caspian...
also a lengzai...
every1 in the cinema goes woooo when susan kiss him...
n the mouse so asorable...
but a bit perasan lo...
always polish people shoes de...
it's worth a watch...but the ticket damn expensive...haizz...