Monday, 29 June 2009

unGodly song

this song is from Westboro Baptist comment is...they copied the melody of "We Are The World"...their voice is awful...most of all they twisted the lyric into something even God don't like...God hates the world? since when God hates the world? kan in the bible got say kan...even budak2 can memorize it...John 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. i've read some articles bout it from here and here...

hmmmm...a total blasphemy...

Sunday, 28 June 2009

WoW!! a.k.a. when the World of Warcraft become the World of Wacko?

i was like LOL all the way watching through this video...
he was like seriously very very very mad coz his mom or some1 canceled his WoW (world of warcraft) account...banging himself all over the place...
hitting his head with his shoe? n even nearly use the remote control to shove his ass hole?? LOL...n y the hell he get naked leaving himself on his boxer n repeatedly getting in n out of the closet? LOL...i think he need some kind of exorcism more than a psychologist or Dr. Phil? LOL...

p.s.: nah...still play warcraft ah...better stop or u'll ended up like this...LOL...

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Flight Safety

just imagine u on this flight...>_<"

nasib airasia not like this...LOL

Saturday, 20 June 2009

"powerful" statement...(konon) long din update hor...been lazying for quiet long time d... XD
anyway...there's this statement been lurking around Christianity which i don't really like's goes like this:

"wanna show them what is XXX church"..."what is ur church special in?"

i say come on lah...we r here to magnify the name of the Lord not magnify the name of ur church or how special is ur church...i don't care lah if ur church is like City Harvest Church kah..Lakewood Church kah..Hillsong Church kah...if u r using those similar statement i mentioned, then u r in big big big trouble...u have provoked the 10 Commandments...

bah..that's what i peace out y'all ^^V