Tuesday, 28 August 2007
just want to release something...
my mom and i had a long coversation last night...
long enough till sore-throat this morning after i woke up...so geng de conversation...
we've talk about something mainly about the way we serve in church and the way people servein church...
just thinking of it can make me quite piss off...
sometime just want to give up to serve here...but still can't...
1. i born to lead...haha...maybe you'll think i'm bullshitting...actually no...cause obveously we all born to lead...it's the fact...we were destined to lead from the time we are in our mother's womb...(just think of the race we had and you'll understand...)other then that, i was born in a leader family...since my dad is a rector for Kudat, Kota Marudu and Pitas district church...indirectly i have the responsibility to help my dad to lead the chuch...it's a hard job though...
2. it's my responsibility to God...i was born to serve Him...
3. my passion...i really love to serve Him and the churches...undescripable passion...
4. i have the responsibility to the churches here...
just never thought before that it was that complicated...just found out...
then, why i want to fed up??
1. the way the churches treat each other...so miserable...they was just so miserable...
2. the churches attitude...can talk loudly, but cannot do it...very dai zek gong de...
3. they say they want to change, want to improve, but what they do was not according what they said...cao wu liao de...this is ok to me...but what make me piss off is whenever i tried to lead them to make improvement or changes...they reject it and say we don't need this changes...duhh... it's all bullshit man...very kou shi xin fei...niu tou bu dui ma zui...they don't see the future vision...it's ok with me...but what make me confused is they even can't see the present vision...always hold on to the past vision...so pathetic...
4. they hold to traditon to tightly...they still use tradition is ok to me...but they hold it to tightly until cannot even accept any changes upon it...my mom said according to Bible, we need to change accordingly...
there's many more i want to talk about...but i kind of forget it...haha~~~
besides that...we even talk about a big secret that i cannot reveal it...and i was forbidden to reveal it...haizz...
talk about how i serve in the church...am i using the wrong method??am i using the wrong thing??am i leading them to the wrong direction??or are they the one who don't want to accept it??
i just can't figure it out...only they know and God know...
"Oh almighty God, i've face a lot of problem in church. i just don't know how to help them. please help me Lord. pour down Your over-flowed blessing and wisdom unto me so i can use the glory You've gave me to bless the church. and Lord, i am confuse of this thing. am i using the wrong way?so God, please help me. please let me know what You want me to do. cause i know tha Your way is higher than my way, Your thought is higher than my thought. i love You Lord for You are my Heavenly Father. in the name of Jesus i end this prayer with Amen."
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
比记比记的一个星期。。。(means buzy week)
不知道为什么有这一种感觉。应该 since 我 6 年级 UPSR 过后,我都没写中文 article 了。所以见天好想写写看。哈哈~
这星期一开始,我的朋友邀请我来参加他们的 choir 去比赛。我就毫不犹豫地答应了他们。。。
在同一时间内,我和一些同学正在讨论着学校 PRA-U 的 t-shirt。。。我负责 t-shirt 的 design。哇!!真的好想做这 t-shirt 哦。。。就当着为这学会做些纪念品。我看一直以来这学会没做什么 t-shirt 这类的东西。所以就有个感想想做一些与以往不同的事。。。
讲回 choir 班。。。每天我们都有练习。。。超累的。。。走路去学校,走路回家。。。没关系。。。当作运动。。。哈哈~~
星期三晚上有紧急敬拜赞美练习。。。为何叫紧急敬拜赞美练习呢??因为我根本不知道有练习。。。我妈说星期天他们又报告。。。but 我一点都不知道。。。
then, terpaksa 去练习咯。。。超烦的。。。
星期四下午。。。Torch Puppeteers 他们到了。。。所以就去帮忙办他们的 ga chang 下来。。。那晚上大约 8 点左右。。。我们一大班聚在一起协力把表演场合给搭起来。。。
超难的。。。从他们的 steel 架,到他们的灯光还有他们的背景。。。哇~~真的搭到好辛苦哦。。。but 没关系,当作是个美好经验而已。。。哈哈~~
星期五晚上,7 。30,木偶剧开始了。。。好期待哦。。。Torch Puppeteers 今次所带来的木偶剧有两个。。。“空外,空内”和“黑之间,光之间”。。。故事内容很丰富。。。
所以,这故事就带来了三个主角。故事开始,就有两姐弟吵架,说些不应该说的话,那就是侮辱他人的话。and then 就有一位觉得他们说所的一切都是在伤害对方的话就感到伤心。不懂为什么,又不是再说她,她就伤心。然后他们三人就遇到一位博士。那位博士造了一艘太空船。那三位小孩子就不听话,偷偷的走进那艘船。and then 说了一些不该说的话,太空船救制动起飞了,带他们到一个注重话语的一个星球。在那星球,那两姐弟又吵起来了。然后说了一些不该说的话,这样他们就被抓了,被关进监牢里。过后,不知怎样他们就反省了。然后就会地球去了。
所以,这故事又把那三位主角带回来。这次,他们已经长大了,有参加教堂的事奉。他们就想念他们在太空所交的朋友。于是,他们再次去找那位博士,借他的太空船再次飞去太空来探访他那位外星朋友。但是在途中,那艘太空船出现了问题。所以必须紧急降落。降落到一个充满黑暗的一个星球。然后,那做姐姐不知道发什么神经,发起脾气就走出了那艘太空船。那当然,他们就出去找回她咯。这时候,他们就碰上他们那位外星朋友。问题是为什么那外星朋友会在这充满黑暗的星球呢?噢~~原来那星球以前是充满光的。但是直从被 Queen Jahat 统治后,那星球就变成黑暗。所以,那外星朋友是被差遣到这星球来恢复它原本的形态。但是,他身为姐姐就被那魔抓住了。不但如此,她还被弄瞎了。所以他们联合起来来对付这魔王。最后,魔王被打败了。全星球的人民反省了,恢复以前的本样了。过后,那些人民就呈现一连串的歌。然后,那三人组就会地球了。
到了星期天,早上去崇拜。崇拜过后,赶紧回家,把下午所要用的 powerpoint 给弄好。下午就是要参加“为耶稣而行”。刚好今次是在我的教会举行,所以必须准备好一切。哈哈~
我拍了些照片。要看的话就去 http://jonyew.multiply.com/photos/album/2/Puppet_Show
这是我 7 年以来的第一个华语文章。哈哈~~
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
The Center of The Bible...
Q: What's the shortest chapter in the Bible?
A: Psalm 117
Q: What's the longest chapter in the Bible?
A: Psalm 119
Q: What's the center chapter of the Bible?
A: Psalm 118
There are 594 chapter before Psalm 118
And there are 594 chapter after Psalm 118
let's add it up and see what happen...
594 + 594 = 1188
Q: What's the center verse in the Bible?
A: Psalm 118: 8
here's the verse...and it should be a verse in our lives...
odd huh??
that wasn't ood at all...
God surely was the center of all His creation...just like the sun is the center of the solar system...brighten our lives with His holy face...
He's the Alpha and the Omega...He's the beginning and the end...
Be Blessed...Amen...
Thursday, 9 August 2007

actually that's the picture after i donate blood...
very wuliao huh snap this picture and blog it down...
but i don't think so cause there's a lot of story behind it...
and i want to blog it down...wahahaha...
haha...finally i got the guts to let someone to poke a needle into my arm and draw out my blood in large quantity like vampire sucking blood...
haha...no kidding la...
actually this was not my first time to try donating blood...
the first time i think is early of this year...but that time i'm not qualified to donate...cause just receive hepetitis-B injection...
plus i'm damn nervous that time...everyone urge me to donate...the teachers...my friends...walaau...
just think of it can make me laugh out loud like crazy...cause that time when i decide to donate...i'm so nervous...till can feel the heart beats beat very fast...
almost 180 kmh...haha...no kidding...
then first thing to do...is to take my blood preasure...the nurse help to wrap a fabric on my albow...then start to pump the thingy...the fabric getting tighter...
wah...if the fabric was wrap on my neck...surely can die de...haha...
you know what's the result??
very shocking...till the nurses also shocked...
my blood preasure was soooo damn high...the nurse said my blood preasure was so high in an abnormal state...and said i can even be send to the hospital to receive treatment...wahahah...
but actually that time i am so nervous till effected my blood preasure...and i sweat a lot too...
that's my sweet yet funny memory for blood donation...
then this a lot different than the last time...
cause i've prepared myself for this time blood donation...
as usual la...must have the nervous feeling...but not as much as last time...
then this time i need to check my blood first before i can donate...the nurse poke a needle into my finger and squeeze a load of blood into a plate...
walaau...damn painful de...
then they put some antigen on my blood to test wheter i got A or B ot O or AB type of blood...(i've got A)
then take my blood preasure...this time of course normal la...hehe...
at that time...the registry nurse teased me from the last time incident...
then i just smile and take my blood bag and have a sit on the sofa...
damn nervous that time...
after 5 minutes...it my turn...
oh oh...
with a pair of heavy feet...i walk toward the bed...then push myself up the bed and lay down...
with no guts to see the nurse poke the needle into my arm...i look the other way...
in no time...the finish poke the big needle into my arm and i start to squeeze a thingy to boost the speed...
during that time...the nurse ask me "kau dusun ka??" (are you dusun - an ethnic in sabah)
i say "duhh..do i look dusun to you??"
haiz...blind liao...
within 15 minutes...it's all done...
my first time...
at the end...i got a tapao and a can of soy bean juice...
~ the end ~
Saturday, 4 August 2007
something funny yet true...
it's all bout Malaysian English or Manglish
read it urself then...
u'll found something interesting there...
bad hair day
what the hell is going on??
i'm so damn angry with someone...
don't want to mention that guy...
not only a guy...but certain people...
why it always happen to me??
espeacially when i'm getting older...
this problem always bother me...
and it happen at the same place...
the place where i live and work...
what am i talking about??
i also don't know...just want to release the tension in my mind...
that guy always say to everyone
"we need to change...we need to improve...we need to blah...blah...blah..."
in the end...it's all a bunch of shit...
word without point; omong kosong; 废话; bullshit
i do what he wants...but in the end....his the one who stop me...
very hard leh...
it's ok when he didn't give me support (even though i really wish he'll support me)...but he stop me from doing some improvement...moreover, his my father...the leader...
just now...my laptop got major problem...very very very major problem...
it's pimping me to buy a new one...it's very old liao...his sight is getting blurrer (monitor problem)...his memory is slowly degrading (hard-disk problem)...
when i imform my dad about the problem...he scold me back for informing him...
inform him pun salah...don't inform him pun salah...
never mind...
then i told him it's time to buy a new one...
he scold me again..."吃米不知米价" (means only know how to spend but don't know how to earn...something like that lah)
he said wait until the laptop blind and completely lost his memory then he'll CONSIDER to buy new one...
heart break...
damn angry...
he do know what's the reason i need a laptop...and i'm not using it for nothing...moreover it's not mine...it's belong to the place i work...then that's mean he never had to use HIS OWN MONEY to buy it...since his the boss...
just think of it...he never think of the long-term condition...he only think of short-term condition...
yeah...definately cannot deny it...that it's hard to spend some few thousand to buy a new one in a such a short time...but think of the bright side...it's better to wait it completely useless then buy a new one...when that day comes...it's totally a major problem...to me...to him...and to the whole community...cause...that's the laptop i'll use every week to present something...and it's kind of awkward when the LCD projector wasn't turn on...
oh God...please help me...U know what's the reason i need laptop...i know there's a reason for everything...and Ur way is higher than my way...Ur mind is higher than my mind...so please help me to overcome this anger...and help me and guide me to help this kind of people...
a short prayer...haha...
feel better...
Friday, 3 August 2007
crazy weather...totally 变态!!!
very cold leh!!!
freezing...(just shivered)
raining all day long...haiz...
all my activity are slow down just because of the rainy time...
planning of having a picnic this Sunday with my club...but...because they considered about the damn weather...need to K.I.V. the plan...
but think of it...i'm kind of ridiculous...
hot sunny day also blame...
cold rainy day also blame...
so ci sin (crazy) huh???
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
my day...
very miserable...
very annoying...
haiya...not in the mood la...
why?? - good question...
this is why...have u ever felt isolated, scolded without reason, and felt u are going to dead AT THE SAME TIME??
obviously, rarely can feel it right??
haha...it's a lot different to me...coz...yeah i faced it...AT THE SAME TIME...
sound crazy but it's true...
just don't know why...can't explain it with words...
just have the feeling that i'm isolated from my parent, family, friends and my darling...
haiz...very lonely + cold...(raining all day long...freezing cold)
about facing dead...it's happen very quick...haiz...
it's begin when my dad drive me to school...
as usually...we need to drive up a hill and have a turn at the round-about...
the climax starts here...
when my dad just about to make a turn...
a crazy lunatic driver came out no where...
and it nearly crashed to my car...moreover it about to crash to my side...
thanks to my dad...
he manage to stop the car...
haiz...nearly become arwah (dead person) liao...
halt right there...
the story haven't end yet...
then my heroic dad step on the fuel...race toward the crazy lunatic driver...
wow...he drove damn fast...(that's mean he's very angry lor)
then the race begins...
my dad drive over the cray guy and stop right in front of his car...
then my dad open the door...step out the car like some hero do in the movies...
very suai de....(cool)
then with a loud voice...he say...kenapa kau pandu macam ini?? (how can u drive like this)
that lunatic answer...mau cepat bah boss...(in a hurry)
hurry what??
nearly crash on me leh...
then some converstion take part...and i don't even bother to hear it...coz i'm mumbling to myself i'm damn late already...
~ the end ~
hey...am i talking out of the topic??
haiya...never mind...
that's my day...
need to stop here lor...haven't bath yet...my body getting itchy lor...hehe...
by the way...it's August liao...