actually that's the picture after i donate blood...
very wuliao huh snap this picture and blog it down...
but i don't think so cause there's a lot of story behind it...
and i want to blog it down...wahahaha...
haha...finally i got the guts to let someone to poke a needle into my arm and draw out my blood in large quantity like vampire sucking blood...
haha...no kidding la...
actually this was not my first time to try donating blood...
the first time i think is early of this year...but that time i'm not qualified to donate...cause just receive hepetitis-B injection...
plus i'm damn nervous that time...everyone urge me to donate...the teachers...my friends...walaau...
just think of it can make me laugh out loud like crazy...cause that time when i decide to donate...i'm so nervous...till can feel the heart beats beat very fast...
almost 180 kmh...haha...no kidding...
then first thing to do...is to take my blood preasure...the nurse help to wrap a fabric on my albow...then start to pump the thingy...the fabric getting tighter...
wah...if the fabric was wrap on my neck...surely can die de...haha...
you know what's the result??
very shocking...till the nurses also shocked...
my blood preasure was soooo damn high...the nurse said my blood preasure was so high in an abnormal state...and said i can even be send to the hospital to receive treatment...wahahah...
but actually that time i am so nervous till effected my blood preasure...and i sweat a lot too...
that's my sweet yet funny memory for blood donation...
then this a lot different than the last time...
cause i've prepared myself for this time blood donation...
as usual la...must have the nervous feeling...but not as much as last time...
then this time i need to check my blood first before i can donate...the nurse poke a needle into my finger and squeeze a load of blood into a plate...
walaau...damn painful de...
then they put some antigen on my blood to test wheter i got A or B ot O or AB type of blood...(i've got A)
then take my blood preasure...this time of course normal la...hehe...
at that time...the registry nurse teased me from the last time incident...
then i just smile and take my blood bag and have a sit on the sofa...
damn nervous that time...
after 5 minutes...it my turn...
oh oh...
with a pair of heavy feet...i walk toward the bed...then push myself up the bed and lay down...
with no guts to see the nurse poke the needle into my arm...i look the other way...
in no time...the finish poke the big needle into my arm and i start to squeeze a thingy to boost the speed...
during that time...the nurse ask me "kau dusun ka??" (are you dusun - an ethnic in sabah)
i say "duhh..do i look dusun to you??"
haiz...blind liao...
within 15 minutes...it's all done...
my first time...
at the end...i got a tapao and a can of soy bean juice...
~ the end ~
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